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Earwax Sufferers Should Use This Amazing, Pain-Free Tool for a Deep, Fast, Clean

That dark, sticky earwax is disgusting, isn’t it? 


For those of us who suffer from excessively waxy ears, it’s a real problem. Not only is it embarrassing when someone spots your revolting wax build-up, but it’s also an unhygienic breeding ground for bacteria.

If left unchecked, deep wax can cause all manner of extremely painful, hard-to-treat infections. Headaches, dizziness, tiredness and hearing loss - are just a few of the symptoms...


And there seems to be a rise in cases of the excess earwax problem. 


While we still don’t know for sure, researchers are studying links between air-conditioning, central heating and earphone/bud use as potential causes. 


Of course, some wax is perfectly natural, normal and healthy. But, if you ever have an itchy inner ear, wax build-up on the end of your earphones or a slight ringing when in a quiet place - you could have a deep build-up of excessive wax.




How NOT to deal with your earwax?

I shouldn’t need to tell you this in 2021 - but cotton buds are NOT for cleaning inside your ear!

The cotton swab design is over a century old and was meant for swabbing the outer ear only (which it is perfect for). 


Without a reliable inner ear cleaning tool, there are still millions of serious cotton swab related injuries every year;